Tips & tricks on how to manage out emotions at work.

Emotional intelligence (EI) is one of the important qualities of good leaders and top performers. EI yields awareness of one’s qualities, preferences, boundaries/limits in work load as well as capabilities, which may enable them to work on their positive attributes and focus more on their strength within their limits and boundaries. Upon conflict and emotionally charged contexts, employees with high EI are also more likely have the ability to recognize the core issues with less emotional biases. Thus, more likely to be able to communicate efficiently and solve the issue.
Moreover, EI also yields an optimistic and positive mindset, leading individuals with high EI to be top performers in organizations. Furthermore, upon reaching common goals, employees with EI are able to catalyze group processes and team work as they are more likely to possess the ability to empathize and understand their teammates’ perspectives and personalities. High EI is recognized to contribute both top performers and a positive culture within an organization. With that said, EI is not a necessary element of being a top performer within organizations. However, distribution of individuals with high EI are higher among the top performers as compared to the other polar, suggesting that EI is indeed one of the contributing factors into top performing employees and influx of productivity.

Improving Emotional Intelligence
Self-awareness. Learn about mindfulness which includes being present and acknowledging how you actually feel with certain stimulus. Acknowledging does not mean expressing, you may acknowledge the emotional responses and express an appropriate amount of emotional charge into your responses upon the said stimulus. Be honest with your emotional responses and less suppression and denial on the emotional responses will be a healthier path towards growing one’s EI.
Self-regulation. Upon a strong emotional reaction, learn to acknowledge the stimulus of such a strong reaction. Try calming techniques (i.e. deep breathing) and reflection to understand the responses as well as its stimulus prior to expressing feedback or responses. This could also be applied onto compartmentalization of emotions inside and outside of work context, in order to stay productive and positive at work, despite stressful and negatively charged context outside of work setting.
Motivation. To be highly motivated, set both long term as well as short term goals. Daily small goals may also be set in order to create ‘small wins’ to further motivate one self. Furthermore, take some time off of work to rediscover your goals and meaning that have been put onto your work. Having a higher meaning or purpose as well as bigger picture might catalyze the increase of intrinsic work motivation.
Empathy & social skills. Developing both empathy as well as social skills improves one’s active listening ability enabling one, to fully understand the meaning as well as the emotions that are being communicated. Pay attention to body languages, then try to build willingness to be understanding of others’ perspectives. Learning about teammates may also decrease the chances of conflicts and may increase team’s ability to discuss and resolve conflicts, especially within heavily charged emotional situations.
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